[❝ "From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step."an exploration of :           A disturbingly devoted fan of Chainsaw Devil, willing to do anything to see his idol fight, even if it means to destroy his entire life..indie, private and selective Barem Bridge from Chainsaw Man penned by Katsu28+. they/them. discord: kaillol_31942

blogwide guidelines

▍ ❝   RULE ONE.
1.) Mun is an 25+ adult with many responsibilities, RPing is not my main priority, so there might be times I won’t be here. But I will try to be as active as I can, but there are no promises.
▍ ❝   RULE TWO.
This is a selective roleplay blog, please PLEASE do not take personally if I don't follow you back, I just prefer to keep my dash organized, and I had some bad experiences in the past when I was non-selective, so, for the sake of my mental health, I am a bit more choosy.

English is my second language, but I always try to keep my posts coherent and grammatically correct, if you by any chance find any egregious errors, don't be afraid to let me know, I'm always willing to correct myself.
▍ ❝   RULE FOUR.
I can sometimes be very easily distracted by other things, either online or IRL, so if I, by any chance, hasn't replied to an ask, or to our thread in four days, let me know, I might be busy during the week, but I always try to not make my RP partners waiting for too long.

Barem Bridge

β€’   name   :  Barem Bridge
β€’   alias   :   Flamethrower Hybrid
β€’   gender   :   He / Him
β€’   orientation   :   Pansexual
β€’   species   :  Hybrid
β€’   occupation   :   Chainsaw Church's Second-In-Command, former Public Safety Officer.
β€’   voice claim(s)   :   Lex Lang
β€’   eyes   :  Raven black
β€’   hair   :    Raven black
β€’   height   :   6'3
β€’   weight   : 200lbs
β€’   build   :   Muscular
β€’   skin   :   fair
β€’   clothing   :   White shirt, black tie tucked into his chest pocket, black slacks with overalls, and black shoes.
β€’   alignment   :   Neutral Evil
β€’   traits   :   Playful, Friendly (at first), Easygoing, Manipulative, Sociopath, Fanatic
β€’   likes   :   Makima, Chainsaw Man, Pranks, Fighting, Saving the world, Mayhem.
β€’   dislikes   :  Indecisiveness, Weak-willed people, Boredom.

β€’   birthplace   :  Unknown (Presumably, U.S.A)
β€’   current residence   :   Constantly changing
β€’   nuclear family   :   Unknown
β€’   significant other   :   None
β€’   children   :   None
      β + POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES : Intelligent, resourceful, friendly, easygoing, charismatic❝ - NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES : Murderous, zealotry, fanaticism, lacks morality, ruthless and relentless.

❝ Once upon a time... Not a lot is known about Barem Bridge, prior to his brainwash at the hands of Makima. We know that, out of all the other hybrids (Whip, Spear, Sword, and Flamethrower), he's the one who were able to retain most of his personality during the mind-control, as he was already someone who was utterly devoted to Makima due to his infatuation to her.Not long after Denji killed Makima and freed Barem and the other hybrids of their mind-control, Barem gained a somewhat undying devotion to the idea of Chainsaw Man, the Hero Of Hell, who slices and dices everyone in his path no matter who they are.Barem was in love with the idea of a murderous machine, covered in gore, always killing people in the most grotesque way possible, his obsession practically created in him some sort of zealotry, thinking the Chainsaw Man to be some sort of godly hero.That idea was cemented once he found out through unknown means that, the world is going to end by the turn of the millennium. The Death Devil is going to come back and kill every single living being on the planet earth.Who could possibly save them from such a fate, aside from Chainsaw Devil, the creature whose most powerful trait is the ability to erase any concept based on the devil they eat.With the goal of bringing the Chainsaw Devil back, Barem starts planning.According to his past experiences with Makima, the Chainsaw Devil only appears when one: Denji, the currently Chainsaw Hybrid, gets the most miserable he can possibly be, and two: when everyone is utterly and completely, fearful of the devil.With those two things in mind, Barem Bridge developed a most cunning, but cruel plan.

With the help of a renown student, Barem founded the Church Of Chainsaw Man, a church dedicated to serve the will of their lord and savior Chainsaw Man himself. Due to Chainsaw Man's actions in the past, the church quickly gained traction, having many people enrolling to worship the popular Chainsaw Man.Needless to say, the Church was revealed to be a ploy to make innocent people to enter a contract, turning them into Chainsaw People, making people fearful of Chainsaw Man.One part of the plan was complete, they just needed to do the second part: To make Denji miserable to make the true Chainsaw Devil come out.That part was actually easier, Barem isn't unfamiliar with cruelty, so making a person's life utterly miserable was almost quaint for someone like him. He killed Denji's pets and burned his house, that did bring him down, borderline on destroying his own self for it.However, it was not enough to make the devil come out. They needed something else... something that'll shake him to his core, to destroy any humanity he had left in him and let Chainsaw Devil come back in his glorious form.That's when Nayuta came into play, the ultimate cruelty, enforced on a young man who just wished to live a normal life. It was perfect.Almost as if a sick joke, Barem, sat down next to Denji at a Conveyor Belt Sushi restaurant, demanding that one of the chefs put Nayuta's disembodied head on a plate and slowly went toward them. A dramatic, showing. The one person Denji cares the most, but a head in a place. That was enough to set Denji off completely, making him snap and make the Chainsaw Devil come out. Unfortunately, Barem weren't able to see the Devil in his glorious form, as Denji ripped his head off the second that he transformed.Barem did it, he saved the world...

main verse timeline

▍ ❝   I.
___Barem is brainwashed to fight the Chainsaw Devil alongside Whip, Spear, Sword, Bomb and Bow, and make him succumb to her will.
An ultimately futile act as, despite their combined power, they were still far too weak to actually stop the Hero of Hell.After Denji defeats Makima, Barem is freed from her control, although his infatuation with her still makes him willing to follow her will, as he starts to plan Denji's demise.

▍ ❝   II.
Barem founds the Chainsaw Man Church alongside renown ace student Haruka Iseumi and the Fake Chainsaw Man.
He manipulates the people joining the church into marrying each other and entering a contract with the Fire Devil, turning them into fake chainsaw people, causing fear of the Chainsaw Man itself.Barem tries to cause a genocide, but fails due to Public Safety's intervention. He escapes and burn Denji's house, alongside with his pets.

▍ ❝   III.
Barem meets again with Denji at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, and to avoid being killed right away, the hybrid says that he'll let Denji see Nayuta (Denji's adoptive little sister) again, something he wasn't able to since the house burning incident.
He speaks with Denji for a little while, until he reveals the disembodied head of Nayuta in one of the sushi plates, making Denji snap and rip his own head off.Barem's current whereabouts are unknown.

alternate universes

▍ ❝   VERSE ONE.
Under Construction...

▍ ❝   VERSE TWO.
Under Construction...

Under Construction...

mains & exclusives

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@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !